round and round
Foto: Hanna
copper down
Två härliga sommarbilder som får mig att längta tillbaka och som även ger mig lite ångest över den mörka tiden vi nu har framför oss. Jag saknar ljumma sommarkvällar, dagar på stranden och självklart friheten. Åh, sommar, du får gärna snabba dig tillbaka!
Ber om ursäkt för den dåliga uppdateringen. Vi har fortfarande inte hunnit med en photoshoot och jag tror inte direkt att det är något vi prioriterar just nu. Ha en bra helg! /Hanna
Två bilder på min kusin från i somras, brist på bilder
shake, shake, shake
Foto: Felicia Modell: Hanna
Gammal bild från vår photoshoot på rapsfälten. Resultatet blev inte i närheten så bra som vi hade hoppats på. Nu väntar vi på att skogen ska bli orange och röd så vi kan återvända till en bekant plats.. ;) / Hanna
black and white
Extremt dålig uppdatering på grund av brist på bilder och tid. Vi har inte hunnit med en ny photoshoot än och vädret låter oss inte göra det heller. Om någon har idé på vad vi kan fota, var och hur så lämna det i kommentarfältet så kanske vi gör just en sådan shoot. / Hanna
Visited Spiderman
I went on a Shoot myself yesterday. It was finally sunny, but a lot windy so it was kinda hard. But here are some of the cobweb i found
We really have to go on a shoot soon
Like the headline says, we are soon out of pictures, from the latest Photoshoot so we have to go out soon. But now it's not good weather here. It's grey and sort of storm outside.
behind blue eyes
Probably my favorite picture on Felicia. Beautiful! /Hanna
the great escape
I love how Felicia's starting her posts with "okey", haha!! This is a picture from our very first photoshoot earlier this year. I love it, I don't really know why I haven't posted it anywhere before today? Well, now it's here for you all to see it. :)
Hair Flying
Okey so this is some pictures we took in art class last Wednesday. I havn't anything to else to say right now so bye for now.
Now where's your broken fence, love?.
Yeah it's in a song okey. Haha jk, but i'm back now (Felicia) and prepare for a new weekend. More pictures soon too, because we are going on a photoshoot soon again, probably to the beach or something, Even though it's not beach weather here in Sweden, well well. Bye for now.
Old photoshoot
angels - the xx
Photographer: Felicia Model: Hanna
Felicia's gone for the weekend and I'm (Hanna) the one keeping this blog up right now. Will be back posting more pictures in a few hours. :)
What you know (or don't know)
I really don't understand why this beautiful girl's acting shy when we're on a photoshoot. Just look at her, isn't she beautiful? And this picture of her is also really beautiful. It's taken by our friend Elin, we linked her blog a few days ago (hidden in the text though) but we'll link it again. She takes some bautiful pictures so visit her blog and comment, because you would make her really happy!
So this is one of our not so serious pictures. But it looks like we're having fun. (Picture taken by Elin).
Ghost Castle
Okey, so we were at this beautiful castle the other day. It's not to far away from where we live, but it was a long walk, anyway. We have been at this castle atleast 10 times before. But not intill now we realised how beautiful it was until this day. And yeah by the way! We are probably going to LONDON in November or the nearest future, together, alone. SO excited!!!
As I'm lifting up
Above the clouds away from you
Under the trees
Hejhej Hanna sluta var så satans fin
On the count of three?
On the count of three.
Två bilder från vår antagligen bästa photoshoot. Bilderna är tagna av Elin. Hon håller på att komma igång med en blogg och för att ge henne en spark i baken kan ni gå in HÄR och bomba med kommentarer att ni vill se mer av hennes fotointresse. Hon är också den som har tagit vår headerbild. Felicia och jag pryder bilderna (Det är då vi som äger bloggen). /Hanna